Did you know that scorpions are most closely related to spiders, mites, and ticks? Throughout the United States, you’ll find 70 species of scorpions, and 1,200 species across the world. Of these, the most dangerous species is the Arizona bark scorpion, which can be found in the American Southwest and in Northern Mexico. They are most clearly identified by their four legs and set of pincers. They are a nocturnal pest, which means that they will hide during the day and are active at night.

Scorpions will feed on other insects, yet they can survive for months without a food source, as long as water is available to them. Furthermore, because scorpions seek dry, warm habitats, such as arid regions or deserts, they are commonly found in the Phoenix area. They will hide under rocks or dig burrows in the soil, however, during warmer weather, they may choose to invade your home through walls to take shelter in damp, cool spaces like attics or basements. In the Phoenix area, you are most likely to encounter:
- Striped tail scorpions: These scorpions get their name from the unique stripes that line their tails, and like most scorpions, they are very fast-moving.
- Arizona bark scorpions: These are the most well-known species of scorpion in the U.S. and can deliver a deadly bite, injecting a high level of lethal venom that causes vomiting and general illness for three days. These scorpions are yellow with horizontal lines, making it easier for them to blend in with their desert habitats.
- Arizona hair scorpions: These are the largest species living in the U.S., growing to sizes of up to 5 1/2 inches. These scorpions have yellow legs and a brown body.
Habitats And Behaviors Of Scorpions
Scorpions are nocturnal and prefer to find a shady hiding spot during the day to cool off, which is why you’ll find them in the yard under stones, vegetation, logs, and landscaping items that create damp soil. If you’re digging around or moving items in the yard, disturbing a scorpion’s sleep is a great way to get stung.
Four Tips For Preventing Scorpions On Your Property
If you are looking to prevent scorpions on your property or simply keep their population down, try the following tips:
- Remove their food supply. Since scorpions are predators on the hunt for crickets, roaches, ants, and other insects, if any of those pests have access to your home, scorpions probably do, as well, and they have an incentive to find a way inside. The first step to dealing with your scorpion problem is to deal with your pest problem. By reducing factors that attract other pests, you can shut down the easy food source for scorpions.
- Seal potential entry points. Bark scorpions can be persistent at getting into places, but they often select the easiest means of getting into your home. Using caulking and weather stripping, you can secure any cracks or gaps in the foundation or around windows and doors to keep them outside.
- Remove standing water. Make sure leaks and areas of standing water are properly addressed to prevent providing scorpions with a reliable source of water.
- Eliminate harborage points. Keep your yard clear of debris and brush, and make sure wood piles and other potential harborage points are kept an appropriate distance from your home.
The best way to manage a scorpion problem is with assistance from the professionals. Don’t try to handle a scorpion problem by yourself; contact Scorpion Shield for the best in scorpion protection today!