Learn About home Shield
Home Shield is a physical barrier service designed to protect. This service limits a pest's ability to enter a structure. Utilizing the groundbreaking AVERZION technology, a clear tile-like glaze is applied to the stem wall on the foundation of a home/structure. This creates a barrier that is too smooth and slick for scorpions to climb or attach to. Drying to the touch in 2 hours and is fully cured in 72 hours, it is clear and glass-like.
AVERZION protects and shields homes and structures. It will also keep scorpions in pesticide-treated areas longer. Contact us today at Scorpion Shield and we will give you a free quote based on the linear footage of your home.
Our home sealing program consists of a 3-tiered system, which is categorized based on priority level, expected results, age of the home, and pests being managed. This system allows us to focus on specific entry points of concern and targeted areas whether that be addressing an older home with more possible entry points or the exterior and yard area of a newer home which may not require any interior sealing at all.
Yard Wall Sealing
Our yard wall sealing is a great option for any home with perimeter cinder block walls as these walls are the primary harborage site for the Arizona Bark Scorpion. These voids allow for easy access to your yard, and easy escape form pesticides. They also are great breeding areas where scorpion populations multiply. Sealing these is your homes first line of defense in keeping scorpions away, and the ones that do find their way onto your property have limited escape points, causing increased contact with pesticides.